Knock KNocK! Who is there? Climate change!
7:38:00 AM
Knock KNocK! Who is there? Climate change!
What is climate change? Does climate change present a real danger that we should be aware of? If it is the case, what we can do as individuals to reverse the climate change effects? Is it even possible to reverse? Can we, at least, manage climate change actual residual effects? Is it possible to reach sustainable environment scopes in the near future?
Well first let define what climate change is.
Climate change or so called global warming is synergistic phenomena caused by different actions that lead to gases emission – particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is a gas that once in the atmosphere will trap heat in the sky which makes it warmer!
In addition to CO2, Cars and other transportation vehicles produce methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the tailpipe. On average, CO2 emissions represent 95-99% of the total greenhouse gas emissions regarding other gases like CH4, N2O which represents only 1-5% emission.
Gases emission is a consequence of energy consumption that s translated by the use of fuel oil, natural gas and electricity.
Who consume energy and Why?
Human consume energy to full fill his daily needs. In fact, Human has different activities all day night. How is this? Let snap a picture bellow!
When we get inside a dark room and we turn on the light because we are looking for our computer, when we get in the car and drive to our 10 km office or school, when nurseries staff get in the hospital and turn on the Chemo-machines to cancer patients and when industrial companies set in the machines to produce our foods, our clothes and our technologies.
Human use of these energy sources for such activities is not a problem! However, without doubt, the excessive and muddle use of this energy is the problem!
As we consume more and more en ergy, we should be conscious of our responsibility towards energy waste and recovery and we should care about the source of these energies. The only source, which is the “globe” where we live!
Since Human is claimed responsible number one of enhancing gases emission, mobilization and awareness have been the primary action in to do list to reduce gases emissions.
In 2009, World Bank/FAO report that climate change will impact Morocco in important ways; lack of fresh water, energy sources scarcity, desertification, diseases increase.
In Morocco, different awareness programs are pursued to remediate climate change effects.
To cover all, more details about climate change will be on COP22 conference that will be held this November in Marrakech.
Even with that huge mass of media and mobilization campaigns about drastic effect of climate change. It seems like something is missing! Not because of the lack of intensive awareness and information but because of the building and assisting of population awareness! May be!
May be people would not understand such COP21-COP22 conferences and related campaigns! May be people cannot see the real impact of climate changes because they create different walls to feel comfortable about this phenomenon! Therefore, it is important to first spot these walls named else comfort zones;
Comfort zone 1: People think that global warming is just mythology. Therefore, climate change is fiction not reality and no one cares.
Comfort zone 2: Also, people think that climate change is fair! People believe that few temperature degrees risen in the atmosphere does not affect everyday life.
Comfort zone 3: Climate change is a natural phenomenon! People confuse global warming with ‘ToHoku’ earthquake or ‘Tsunami’ floods. For that reason, they think they do not have any power to change it.
Comfort zone 4: And last but not least, people do not feel a personal impact because they think it is an outside problem. Why should someone be aware since there is no “convincing argument” that himself or herself has caused this entire globe heating?
Climate change had and will have negative impact on earth livings that will barely adapt with it. Here bellow some hidden threats indicators, main sources and negative outcomes of climate change.
The first threat is the non immediate action of climate change. The difference between average global temperatures today and those during ice ages is only about 5 degrees Celsius. This silent changes lead to no urgent response.
Second threat is the invisibility of climate change in our daily life. When we go out for working, shopping, entertaining, we cannot feel the difference in ambience temperature and we cannot see gases blowing! So, it is a beautiful day today!
The main source of global warming/climate change is energy use. The amount of energy consumed and CO2 released depends on the sector and how much big it is.
> Residential energy.
Every residence consumes energy in different ways. We turn on light, we charge our phones, we heat the water and we use air conditioning during hot days! Actually, every residence generates 11.000 – 12.000 kWh electricity and 150-200 liter of Fuel per year that is about 11.000-12.000 Kg of CO2 released per house.
> Industrial companies.
Did you ever drive near plastic factory? Did you see those smokes coming out from? What did you feel and what are the questions that come to your mind at that moment?
Talking numbers, 240Mt is the annual plastic consumption worldwide and its manufacturing throws about 500 to 600 Mt of CO2 per year.
Plastic bags are the case that shows the fact of plastic waste impact on earth and it is one of the evidence of climate change. To say it all, we are about discovering the 8th continent called PLASTIC!
> Transportation
14% of global greenhouse gas emissions are by transportation vehicles. Transportation sector primarily burns fossil fuels in the road, rail, air, and marine.
Almost 95% of the world's transportation consumes petroleum-based fuels, gasoline and diesel.
On community:
Use LESS often your car for small distances and more often your bicycle or walk. Riding a bike or walking not only saves your energy for the small trail but also it is a sport that makes you healthier, and let you have fun.
To encourage biking and walking, Public transportation should build LESS vehicles roads and more sidewalks and bike paths.
Today news; do you know Jedidiah Jenkins! Jenkins Biked 11.265 km from Oregon to South America. What else better to enjoy your road and getting out of the routine!!
SWITCH to alternative fuel that emit less CO2 like biofuel, hydrogen and electricity from renewable sources; wind and solar.
Today, biofuel is a good alternative to fossil fuels. Biofuel consumption saves CO2 emission by more than 30% if compared to Fossil consumption.
SWITCH from throwing to recycling: for example; we can use “hay bags or eco-bags” that can be packed and used for years instead of plastic bags.
ZERO MIKA Initiative is an example of our SWITCH attitude! If we keep it a long term attitude!
SWITCH from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents and SWITCH them OFF when unused.
Plug OFF your refrigerator when traveling for long period it sure will save not only energy use but your money too. And why not use the new ‘POT refrigerator’. To know more about it just take a look at ENACTUS Morocco ENERGY LESS project 2016.
Plug OFF all consuming energy gadget when unused.
On campus:
The campus is a student small community therefore we think all is said
about SWITCH community discipline. However here is one hint: turn OFF unused lamps in the Mosque and use
LED blow lamps which cost less energy and will give an amazing profile view to
the Mosque.
Plug off and turn off
discipline is an attitude that is earned in everyday life. If you can do, it is
great! If not learn to!
Sometimes it is not
that easy to remember SWITCH – LESS – OFF – And one day we will not have to do
any of the three attitudes simply because it will be done by itself using
That would help a lot
and we will save our energy sources. However, it will also teach as something:
that we had the control to use energy sources but not anymore.
Therefore, the
following questions will be repeated in different manners: aren’t we
responsible of energy sources loss? Aren’t we the inventors of global warming?
Doesn’t it affect our daily life? Do we really deserve living in this earth?
is everyone job to raise population concerns about climate change impact
because we need a real “WE are engaged” and “WE all deserve to live in this
Well that is all for
today, please feel free to share with us your invaders ideas!
Stay tuned for more
pictures – articles – events we will be very happy to share with you to show
you how we invade Green!
By Wafaa Mokhtari and
Aimane Ouarour – Green invaders