12:18:00 PM
Bio-compost is these once living things that turn into
soil conditioner and weed preventer and fertilizer
Well if you take all waste (leaves – weed- animals
poop – vegetables waste and the many things living), putting them together and just
waiting till they become decomposing elements they will give us a final dark
amendment to the soil.
How come the composting helps growing your plant in
the garden or your crops in the field?

These guys actually degrade = Eat then excrete
= metabolize = sugars, proteins, starches, and fats typically found in
undigested feedstock’s.
They are everywhere and the only thing they need is a
good place where they can find these foods!
Once the organics are on the places, these littlest
come in the hurry, install and start working out!
Microbes do the work by breaking down all green and brown
things (from falling shredded leaves, Straw to the throwing waste food in the
Microbes lead to manufacture these green and brown
things to feed soil and sometimes it s help in fertilizing and feeding the
plants when some specific nutrients are added.
Different bacteria, fungi and other littlest have the
eating waste properties.
Each single microbe breakdown the organic waste on its
way and that is called in other words microbial metabolism specialties.
Green invaders were really interested in why these
little tiny creatures get that FAMOUS!
Well they work
The role of microbes is to stabilize the sum of amass organics;
vegetable waste – your food trash- etc… through the excretion of organic
compounds that bind all green-brown organic matter and soil particles together
creating what s name is biofilm or filaments humus.
We can describe “figuratively “the process from an
organic Amass to the final result filaments as the Chewing of thousands of gum on
ones’ mouth so it needs a work force for masticating and extending it!
Some needs to warm up before starting the process of
decomposing because the composting material need
warms. We call these types of microbes the mesophilics. 10 to 35/40 C° is the
temperature range for these microorganisms to become more active.
Soon, after their cardio
microbial activity, temperature rises to transform them to thermophilic – 40 to 70°C.
It is getting really hot here!
And at that stage composting is
functionally productive and that is why it turns to be a real treasure to
farmers as a Black Gold to the soil.
The amazing thing about that composting stage is the
going back to the first misophilic when temperature is down.

These ones store up (conserve) to a survivor forms “spores.*
These stores will transform again when the composting pile cools down.
The cycle meso-thermo- store forms depends on the heat of the place they
live in!
These compost microbes find difficulties in
decomposing either by not finding enough air; O2
Especially when too much bulk is a stuck! And
sometimes it is about Moisturizing.
That is why, time to time, it is necessary to help
them by turning from outside in and watering the whole organics. By this, you
make air ventilation and humidity.
Therefore, those little creatures are the major player
in decomposing;
When applied to and mixed into the soil, humus can
promote good soil structure and improve water- and nutrient-holding capacity.
Humus makes up approximately 60 percent of finished compost.
And that is easy to make at home, then, you need to
store your Vegetable wastes – other Food wastes and other dry brown things.
We use brown excrement of our cat – and specially our
bunnies as bio-compost and it is working! Said one of the green invaders J
The question
here is not how the cat is living peacefully with the bnunnies?
Nope!! The question is how we make home Biocompost?
All you need as ingredients is to stock your kitchen food
waste (Banana peels, rot vegetables, food left over etc)
Composting container
You put all food waste in the composting container
Wet waste if it is s dry
Add fertilizer if you need to feed your plant
Mix very well before dumping then cover the container
The compost will be ready once it turns black and
You can then apply your biocompost to your plant
Let the microbes do their Job and Feel engaged with
the Natural process!
From Green Invaders